Our dream and our values
It is in the core of our DNA to see problems as opportunities that can be captured by using imagination, creativity and entrepreneurship. In this way we see the need for affordable sustainable products as an opportunity. Another challenge in our society is the new economic reality that brings about new and additional challenges for young people. For us this means yet another opportunity.
We believe that creatively rethinking paradigms will help in getting things unstuck and getting people in motion in a positive and constructive way. We believe that this can be done in a fundamentally fair way that will also result in a reasonable and sustainable profit.

We want to create opportunities for a new generation of young entrepreneurs. In order to ensure that we stay connected to what this new generation wants, we want to empower these young entrepreneurs and let them play an active role in the decision making process. By staying in touch with each wave of new young entrepreneurs we want evolve and remain aligned with future generations of young entrepreneurs. We want to engage them in a network of cooperative members.
Through this network we want to bring our products to the market and we also want to identify new needs and new problems to solve. By combining the collective wisdom of this cooperative network with the creative force of our organisation we want to tackle new challenges in our society. In this way we do not only bring solutions to real problems of real people, but we also create opportunities that are real and meaningful to our cooperative members.
The products and solutions we bring to the market will allow people to solve their day-to-day problems by themselves. They will enable our customers to express themselves. Our products and solutions will be in line with these values:
- Honest & fair
- Simple
- Maintaining value over time
- Sustainable & repairable
- Upgradable
- Customisable
By finding creative solutions for real problems identified in an international network of young entrepreneurs, we believe we can continuously generate new opportunities in a sustainable way. Thus, creating a real Opportunity Factory.